5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 08 March 2022 | Last update: Thursday، 10 March 2022

Struggling with finishing tasks on time? Every person needs a boost of productivity sometimes and its alright to not always work at your best, sometimes you simply arent motivated, here a ways to increase your productivity to finish those piling

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Struggling with finishing your tasks on time? Every person needs a boost of productivity sometimes and its alright to not always work at your best, sometimes you simply aren't motivated, here are ways to increase your productivity to finish those piling tasks!

Top 5 ways to increase your productivity 

Do you want to know the best ways to increase your productivity?

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Set Deadlines

Stress is usually thought of as a bad thing however, a manageable level of stress can actually help and aid in productivity as it allows us to stay focused and meet our goals before a certain date or time. Some tasks may not have a required time, however setting a deadline may help you complete it faster, the time ticking will keep you focused and increase your productivity.

Stop multitasking

Due to popular beliefs multitasking is thought to be an important skill needed to increase productivity however according to studies it has been shown that multitasking actually lowers productivity, focus on one task and you'll be able to complete it even faster.

Turn Big Projects Into Many Small Ones

Looking at a big project is overwhelming, the thought of all the time you'd need to dedicate can produce a sense of dread. Try setting it into smaller little projects, you’d feel more productive and whenever you complete said small project the feeling of accomplishment would increase productivity.

Take regular breaks

Taking breaks may sound like it would waste time however, taking small regular breaks can actually help improve productivity and concentration. Working for a long period of time without taking a break leads you on a steady decline in productivity and performance. Go on a 3 minute walk every 30 minutes and you'll watch your performance boost!

Implement The “ two minute rule “

Introduced by  David Allen, an American productivity consultant, the “ two minute rule “ states that if a task would take less than 2 minutes to complete it should be completed the second you are aware of it. The “ two minute rule ” increases productivity as it takes less time to finish the task right away than it would take to get back to it and remember it.

At the end of the day remember, not every day will be an amazingly productive day, try your best and that's all that matters! Don't be too hard on yourself, simply try your best.

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