Dubai Airports Try Long Lasting Spray To Kill Covid-19 Traces

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 18 May 2021
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As travel is gradually becoming a norm again. Dubai airports trials long lasting antivirus spray to kill any corona virus traces for ultimate protection.

The spray is by the Finnish company Nanoksi and is said to last up to a year. It is an invisible protective shield using nanotechnology to fight Covid-19 to promote a safer travel experience.

The coating, called Fotonit, is applied in a spray and uses energy from visible light to generate reactive oxygen peroxides, which in turn decompose all organic material.

Trial results will determine whether the airport becomes the first to adopt the technology.

Dr. Pasi Keinanen, Nanoski Finland, said, “Manual sanitation up to eight times a day is labor-intensive and expensive. Hopefully, the Dubai trial will become the concept for all other airports.”

He added saying that he hopes the trial will lead to airports around the world adopting the solution.

“Although it is light-activated it does not require ultraviolet light, so can be applied indoors,” he said.

“You cannot see or feel it; it is non-toxic and can be reapplied in high-abrasion areas every 12 months.

“It is purely initiating a natural reaction and does not contain any polymers, so it is highly resistant to high and low temperatures.

“Manual sanitation up to eight times a day is labor-intensive and expensive, so this is a much more efficient alternative.

“Hopefully, the Dubai trial will become the concept for all other airports around the world.”

Emirate’s airline, Airbus, Collins Aerospace, GE Aviation and Thales formed the Aviation X Lab partnership to promote innovation in aviation.

Image Source: WAM