
Read Your Daily Horoscope: Saturday, 12 November 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Saturday، 12 November 2022 Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
Read Your Daily Horoscope: Saturday, 12 November 2022

Aries Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

Over the next few weeks, you will want to get to the bottom of certain financial matters at the moment and will keep digging in your heels until certain people come clean. It is a time for negotiating, looking for compromises and fairer deals all round. You will be handling discreet information well, attracting secrets from others without even appearing to ask. OK, so at times you will also express yourself too forcibly. With Mercury in the deepest area of your chart, you will feel strongly about certain situations, and will not easily change your mind.

Taurus Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

You will be keen to see justice done and fairness. What you say is coming across as tolerant, well-balanced and impartial, but you will not budge on what you truly believe. Talk through ideas or feelings with close mates now. You will feel the channels of communication are flowing more smoothly, so you will be making the best use of the rapport between you. In the mood for interesting conversations with people who are on your wavelength, you will go well out of your way to avoid boors, bores and friends who get on your nerves.

Gemini Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

You will be seeing the flaws and inadequacies in work situations for a few weeks ahead. You loathe muddle, chaos or sloppiness and will not be backwards about saying so. Your helpful suggestions at work will go down well now except when you tramp on other people`s corns. Since Mercury in Scorpio has a cool, clinical eye, you may sometimes nit pick too much, insist on absolute perfection, or become bogged down in trivia. Try a little charm, and a few compliments before you wade in to criticize.

Cancer Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

Expressing your feelings and putting emotions into words will prove less of a problem than usual for a few weeks. Though watch you are not putting on too much style, speaking more for effect than content. You may not be practical or good with tiny details at the moment, but you will be highly entertaining, and rather mischievous. What you lack in discipline you will certainly make up for in fun. There should be plenty of laughter around you. You appreciate your own ideas, and would like listeners to be appreciative as well. Just don`t exaggerate too much to make an effect, or embroider the facts to make a good story.

Leo Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

Slow down to spend more time at home. The more you talk to loved ones the more you will understand yourself. Take the chance to let old memories come back from the past, and settle them more happily in your mind. Though watch a little. Since with Mercury tucked out of sight in one of your emotional houses, you may find your feelings cloud your judgement. You may also be taking other people`s comment too personally, fearing slights where none were intended. Try not to be too sensitive and retreat into your shell if arguments flare up where you feel your views are being challenged.

Virgo Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

A busy schedule starts now with more short distance travelling taking up your time for a few weeks. You may not manage to do much in depth or details but you will certainly not be bored. In a searching mood, you will ferret out fascinating bits of information, using your mind for research. Your mind will be even more razor sharp, witty and fast moving than usual. You won`t let your feelings get in the way of your thinking since you want to be clear. But try not to sound cool or too detached.

Libra Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

You`ll be more inclined to read the fine print in money matters, being quite pernickety about the tiny details. More stubborn than usual, you are digging your heels in quite hard. You will be thinking along lines that are practical and conservative, which means you will come up with sound ideas. Though you may also get edgy about carelessness in workmates or those you handle money with. Just don`t get too nit picky. Just keep putting them straight. Your concentration will be good once you settle down to tasks.

Scorpio Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

You will be a real chatter-box in the weeks ahead, lively and enthusiastic, determined to get your ideas and opinions across to everyone in sight. Restless and with a fairly low boredom threshold, you will keep on the move constantly, visiting as many friends as possible. Your mind will be racing ahead of you, leaping from subject to subject at computer speed, so slower-witted companions may have problems keeping up. You could have a slight tendency to point score or try to have the last word, which may not always go down too well.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

Today emotions will be coloring your judgement. Maybe your thinking will be a little biased on one situation so try to be clear before you speak out. You will love delving behind the scenes or below the surface of life. You don`t want to take anything at face value. You will be picking up subtle clues from others, acting like a sponge, soaking in atmosphere. This could make your mind wander around restlessly, and perhaps make you too susceptible to persuasion by others.

Capricorn Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

You will be spending a good deal of time discussing future possibilities for a few weeks, and you will need mates around as sounding boards for your brighter inspirations. Your livelier friends will adore you because you are up on the latest advances and not harping on about how things used to be. You will not care less what tradition thinks or says. You will speak in your own highly individualistic way now. Head for younger mates in particular since they are forward looking, not stuck in a rut.

Aquarius Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

Your ambitions will be helped by your communication skills now, though you may at times come across as too cool, not emotional enough. You will be taking time and trouble to speak in as precise and effective a way as possible. Your thinking will run along more practical lines than usual, and you will want to see a tangible result from your discussions and efforts. Your disciplined approach and a vision of what is possible should make projects at work run smoothly.

Pisces Horoscope for Saturday, November 12, 2022

(Saturday, 12 November 2022)

High flown topics may be fascinating more than usual with Mercury high flying in your chart. You seem to be coming across people from different backgrounds, different countries, which will keep you constantly interested. Certainly you won`t want to be bothered by tiny details. Just watch you are not being impractical. There is a tiny risk you could get swept up in your enthusiasms to the point where you lose touch with what is possible. Keep your feet on the ground and be realistic.

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