The updated list of fines UAE residents can face for violating Covid-1

  • Publish date: Sunday، 13 September 2020 | Last update: Thursday، 25 February 2021
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After a spike in coronavirus cases in recent days, which saw the highest number of cases recorded since the pandemic began on Saturday September 12 with 1009 cases, the UAE government has issued an updated list of fines people can face for violating the Covid-19 guidelines issued by the UAE. 

Released by state new agency, wam, and outlined by The National, fines range from AED 1,000 for retaking a Covid-19 test without a valid reason to AED 50,000 for not adhering to mandated home quarantine or quarantine at a facility as instructed by authorities. 

See the list of fines for violating COVID-19 guidelines below:

AED 1,000 fine:
for retaking a Covid-19 test within two weeks without a valid reason
- for misuse of chemicals for cleaning or pest control
- for breaking health and hygiene standards for employees in the workplace or at shared residence spaces

AED 2,000 fine: 
- for breaching instructions to preserve health and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases

AED 3,000 fine: 
for not adhering to social distancing
- for not wearing a face mask at an indoor public place, on public transport, in a vehicle with three or more people or while walking or exercising in busy areas
- for breaching preventive measures while exercising or taking part in sports or recreational activities in public or at hotel pools or beaches
- for not disposing of temporary structures, clothes, luggage or other items that may be contaminated and cannot be disinfected
- for visiting a healthcare facility unnecessarily
- for violating curfew timings by the relevant authorities, except for employees of vital sectors
- for the driver of a vehicle with more than three unrelated people (up to second-degree relatives)

AED 5,000 fine:
- for not wearing a mask at a workplace (The employee will be fined AED 500 and the person in charge will be charged AED 5,000)
- for refusing a medical test upon the order of authorities
- for violating measures issued by the Ministry of Health and Prevent for persons arriving from countries affected by communicable disease

AED 10,000 fine:
- for organising public or private gathering. Participants to be fined an additional Dh5,000 each
- for refusing to install or register a smart tracking application, failing to carry the electronic tracking device for home quarantine cases, and for losing or destroying the device. The offender will also bear the cost of damages to the device
- for failing to notify authorities of a damaged or lost smart device within 24-hours
- for non-compliance with the temporary suspension of tourist cruises
- to the owner of a company and the driver of a private vehicle providing unauthorised transport of workers between emirates. The vehicle will be impounded for one month
- to the crew of shelter ships and cruise ships, including the captain and shipping agent, who fail take precautionary measures

AED 20,000 fine:
- for hacking the systems of these applications or smart devices, damaging, altering or illegally obtaining information from them. The offender will also bear the cost of damages
- for opening a entity without a thermal scanners
- for medical labs failing to immediately report new data to authorities
- for sharing confidential patient information, or damaging the information

AED 30,000 fine: 
- for holding private classes, with an additional Dh20,000 fine for host

AED 50,000 fine:
- for refusing mandatory hospitalisation, prescribed treatment, monitoring and re-examinations as requested by authorities. Officers may refer public authorities to enforce this decision
- for not adhering to mandated home quarantine or quarantine at a facility as instructed by authorities
- for failure to comply with quarantine instructions in a private quarantine facility
 for educational institutions, cinemas, sports facilities, amusement parks, commercial centres, open air markets, parks, cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, or beaches or pools, or their equivalent who do not adhere to Covid-19 prevention measures set by relevant authorities in each emirate. The person in charge will be fined an additional AED 5,000.