
Find Out the Reduced Taxi Fares After the January Fuel Prices

  • Publish date: Friday، 13 January 2023 Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
Find Out the Reduced Taxi Fares After the January Fuel Prices

Authorities in Dubai have announced a reduction in taxi fees that will take effect right away because of decreasing fuel prices in the United Arab Emirates.

In Dubai, the minimum fare has decreased by 22 fils. As a result, the rates per kilometer have decreased from AED2.19 to AED1.97 per kilometer. The new prices reduce the cost of a 20-kilometer taxi ride by Dh4.40, which is good news for customers given the increasing demand for the service.

Find Out the Reduced Taxi Fares After the January Fuel Prices

For the month of January 2023, the UAE significantly lowered fuel prices as Super 98 is 15.7%, or Dh0.52, less expensive than December at Dh2.78 per liter. The price of Super 95 is also Dh2.67 per liter this month, down 16% or Dh0.51. E-Plus, on the other hand, is 16.7% less expensive per liter at Dh2.59.

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