
UAE to Award Companies Meeting Emiratization Goal

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 20 December 2022 Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
UAE to Award Companies Meeting Emirtisation Goal

The UAE has launched the first cycle of ‘Nafis Award’ for the year 2022-2023 which aims to recognise private companies that have excelled in hiring UAE nationals. The award also aims to recognise outstanding Emiratis in the private sector.

Award categories

The first category includes private companies registered on Nafis platform that have achieved Emiratisation targets in accordance with the following sub-categories: large-sized companies of 1,000 employees and more; medium-sized companies of 500-999 employees and small-sized companies of less than 499 employees.

The second category, targeting individuals, includes the following specialised categories: nursing jobs, medical jobs, financial jobs, legal jobs, retail jobs, programming jobs, supervisory/leadership jobs, administrative jobs, professional jobs and trainees registered in Nafis’ Apprentice Programme.

The third category, targeting the strategic partners, will recognize the Council’s government and semi-governmental partners, in appreciation of their efforts and contributions to achieving the Council’s visions with regards to Emiratisation.

Emirati Applicants

All Emirati private sector employees are welcome to participate via the website (www.nafis.gov.ae), where they can fill out the nomination application form and attach the required documents.

The criteria for selecting the winners are determined around 3 main factors: performance and continuous learning, adaptation and positive citizenship, results and achievements.

The results of the award will be announced during the first quarter of 2023.

The ‘Nafis Award’ has been introduced a year after the launch of "Nafis" programme, which was launched as part of the “Projects of the 50”, to be a driving force for the development of the national economy.

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