
UAE Changes Private Companies Emiratization Deadlines

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 07 February 2023 Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
UAE Changes Private Companies Emiratization Deadlines

The UAE government has revised the deadlines for private-sector companies to hire Emiratis.

Companies with more than 50 workers must ensure that 2% of their workforce is made up of Emiratis or face financial penalties as per the announcement made on January 1st. 

The Emiratization scheme for the country's private sector has been modified by a decision made by the UAE Cabinet. The yearly objective is now divided into the first six months, which account for 1%, and the second half of the year, which accounts for the remaining 1%.

The so-called Nafis initiative's initial stage is to have 10% of all private sector workers of Emirati nationality. 

Private corporations that fell short of the UAE's 2022 Emiratization goals were hit with fines of Dh400 million by the ministry of human resources and Emiratization (MoHRE).

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