
7 Super Bowl LIII Commercials That Were More Exciting Than the Game Itself

  • sharpmagazinemebronzeAuthor: sharpmagazineme Publish date: Wednesday، 07 October 2020
7 Super Bowl LIII Commercials That Were More Exciting Than the Game Itself
Yes, the Super Bowl was quite a letdown. It was the lowest-scoring one ever, and the half-time show was about as dull as the game (not even Adam Levine’s nipples could save it). But to us, the real game happened during the commercial breaks. The ad game, that is. A 30-second Super Bowl spot went for around $5.3 million USD a pop this year, so there were bound to be a few touchdowns (certainly more than the Rams scored). Just in case you checked out early last night (and we wouldn’t
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