
How These UAE Entities Are Helping the Environment in Asia, Africa

  • Publish date: Friday، 10 June 2022 Last update: Saturday، 21 December 2024
How These UAE Entities Are Helping the Environment in Asia, Africa

UAE's Mubadala Investment Company has previously committed to $1.5 million annually for three years to support the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ Fund) environmental conservation efforts in Africa and Asia.

Mubadala, along with the MBZ Fund and Emirates Nature-WWF, has been focused on countries where portfolio companies operate such as Guinea, Indonesia, and Thailand, which represent some of the world’s richest biodiversity hotspots.

In Guinea, the partnership has been preserving endangered marine species, including critically endangered marine turtles, conducted threat assessments on the Atlantic humpbacked dolphin, and the African manatee.

In Indonesia, the partnership supports the marine ecosystem, in particular coral reefs and seagrass, in the Makasaar Strait, as well as terrestrial ecosystems through wildcat conservation in Aceh Province.

In Thailand, the support focuses on migratory wading birds – in particular the Spotted greenshank, and their mud-flat and mangrove habitats in the northern Gulf of Thailand, and the Smooth-coated otter, as

In the UAE, Mubadala’s collaboration with Emirates Nature-WWF aims to maintain and restore local natural heritage and biodiversity, address climate and air quality issues, lower carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency and promote renewable energy, among other priorities.

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