
Sunny is Money: How Does the Weather Affect Your Productivity at Work?

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 22 June 2022 Last update: Saturday، 21 December 2024
Sunny is Money: How Does the Weather Affect Your Productivity at Work?

Yes, what happens outside affects the way things work inside your office, according to a new survey conducted in New York of 2,000 working adults, 73% of whom said that temperatures have a direct impact on their productivity. These respondents believe that the weather is one of the main factors affecting their productivity at work, as 28% of them said that cool temperatures contribute to increasing productivity, while the percentage of those who claim that productivity increases when the sky is blue and clear is 27%.

What about spring? Well, 43% of those respondents say they do their job better during the spring, so 65% of the 2,000 people who took part in this study said they prefer to work outside when the weather is warm.

Surprisingly, these respondents associated bad days at work with heavy rain, low temperatures, and snowfall, as 68% of them reported that motivation to learn or absorb information at work decreases when the weather is bad.

Does Timing Affect Productivity?

What does timing have to do with productivity? Well, to have the 'best day' at work, the average person needs to get up at 7:30 AM, while getting up an hour later at 8:30 AM is the 'worst' way to start the day, with 64% of respondents reporting that daylight saving time has affected their productivity positively, and 85% of them feel unproductive when daylight saving time ends.

Thus, we can associate better weather with a more positive outlook on the day and a better mood in general, and since a better mood leads to increased motivation and self-confidence, it contributes to higher levels of productivity.

Tips for a “Better Day” Every Day

While we can't control the weather, we can control how we handle our day and adapt to different weather conditions while knowing how they affect us. One of the top tips for doing so is to focus on one task at a time, take regular breaks, start with small goals, and get up early.

Always keep your eyes on your goals, and make sure that you can achieve the best every day whatever the weather is.

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